Christine Wilson
April 2023
Surgical Unit
UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital
Fort Collins
United States




She is compassionate and kind in a way that helps you to not feel sorry for yourself, but instead stand up and take charge in your healing.
Recently I was admitted through the ER to the Surgical Unit at PVH for an obstruction. The first nurse on the floor I was blessed with was Christine Wilson. She exuded confidence in helping me to get comfortable and out of pain and established the start of my care. Within a fairly short period of time, my pain levels and nausea increased to their original levels. The meds that had initially worked in the ER were no longer helping. Christine came immediately to check on me and highly suggested that the NG tube be inserted. I was extremely hesitant, but her self-assurance that this tube would very quickly resolve my symptoms convinced me to move forward. She was honest about the insertion being uncomfortable and was confident that she was good at completing this procedure when I asked her that question. She proceeded to very quickly finalize the doctor's order to relieve my excruciating pain. I was amazed at how quickly the NG tube relieved me of all symptoms, just like she said it would.

From that point forward and for the rest of my stay (3 more days) I was completely pain and nausea free. Her confidence and knowledge in what she was doing for my care gave me a great sense of peace and calm and I know without a doubt that I had one of the best on the surgical floor helping me out. There was no cockiness or pride on her part, only a genuine concern for me and helping me to feel better - that came through so strongly that I hoped that I would be able to have continuous care from her on her shifts while in the hospital.

I was thankfully graced with this nurse two more times during my stay. I have to mention her smile! Christine has a smile that just fills and warms a room, and she shares it often. She is personable in a way that is both professional and respectable yet warms your heart with a feeling of home much she cares for your healing. She is compassionate and kind in a way that helps you to not feel sorry for yourself, but instead stand up and take charge in your healing. Her knowledge base is extensive in care and treatment and her efficiency in getting things done and done quickly was simply impressive.

I have no doubt whatsoever, this is not just a random experience on my part. I believe that the care she has provided over the years has touched many individuals - whether they come forward and verbalized it or not. I was extremely nervous and concerned about my diagnosis and prognosis but was blessed beyond measure with being able to experience this amazing woman!!