Christopher D Rock
August 2023
Christopher D
United States




He always brought positivity and a fresh perspective into the room to boost her morale. During these tough times, he always showed empathy and patience toward my sister and understood how fragile and vulnerable she was.
This letter is to show recognition to Nurse Chris Rock, not only does he have a bad a** name but his work is exemplary. Since my sister arrived to DHR Health, we were greeted with certainty that he would do his best in caring for her. He always brought positivity and a fresh perspective into the room to boost her morale. During these tough times, he always showed empathy and patience toward my sister and understood how fragile and vulnerable she was. I know nursing is a hard job, especially caring for multiple people at once, however when he entered the room it seemed as if he was only caring for my sister. He gave her all of his attention and provided all the assistance needed. He made her feel comfortable and trusting. He broke down all the information provided for our family and helped us understand exactly what she was going through and what was the next process. Chris Rock definitely gained our trust in being her nurse. Of course, we all want nothing but the best care for my sister, and seeing him on our board always put us at ease, knowing she was going to be in good hands that day. Therefore, if he was on shift, we had to be sure he was in my sister's room.

We've had multiple experiences with many nurses in different hospitals, and none have made this difficult time any easier for our family. NONE have gone above and beyond the way Chris did. My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and yet he was very kind and of assistance to ALL of us. He made it possible to see her children which was a blessing seeing her smile and gain a little more strength, she even began talking when it was difficult for her to speak. Not only did he check on her but he checked on the family as well, he constantly asked if we were good and if we needed anything. Yes... those are simple questions, but he acknowledged us every time...he made us feel present. 

It's rare to come across people who are truly dedicated, and his efforts did not go unnoticed. Chris is one of a kind. He is not only a great asset to your DHR nursing team but he is the face of nursing. Chris is an inspiration to everyone who surrounds him. Our family is very fortunate to have come across him as her nurse, as he is very passionate about his work. His work ethic is much under-surpassed. Chris Rock always went the extra mile to get us answers. Words cannot express my gratitude for having him assist and care for my sister the way he did. I hope this letter will serve him well and will demonstrate the recognition he deserves. A dedicated and passionate nurse. Chris Rock, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.