Chris Williams
March 2020
Elective Orthopaedics
Albany Medical Center
United States




Whenever Chris comes into the room he is always a reassuring presence. Chris always takes into account that my husband is profoundly deaf and so he comes directly in front of him and makes eye contact before speaking—but he does this in a subtle way that does not make my husband aware that Chris is compensating for the deafness.
His gentle, yet firm way of instructing his patient how to stand and walk creates TRUST between his patient and himself.
His compassionate care is thorough and professional, yet friendly and kind.
Chris gets things done in a timely fashion but he never makes his patient feel rushed, an unusual talent.
Chris is a nurse who maintains professional boundaries yet is always demonstrating true caring.
Chris is a nurse who immediately instills confidence in his patient and the patient's family.
For these reasons and more, my family and I believe he is a true DAISY Nurse.