Cile Wells
July 2024
Post Surgical Unit
North Central Surgical Center
United States




From the moment I met her, her warm smile and caring bedside manner gave me a sense of comfort.
I am honored to nominate Cile for this esteemed DAISY Award, recognizing her exceptional dedication, compassion, and skill in patient care. During my hospital stay, her kindness, sense of humor, and excellent nursing care left an indelible mark on my heart and made such a difference in my recovery. From the moment I met her, her warm smile and caring bedside manner gave me a sense of comfort. She approached her duties with professionalism, and in every interaction, she made sure my comfort was a top priority. One particular instance that stands out in my mind. As the effects of the spinal block began to wear off, I found myself in a vulnerable situation where I was unable to determine when I needed to use the bathroom. I ended up having an accident in the bed not once but twice. This was an embarrassing situation. Her compassionate response was with the utmost kindness and professionalism, and she assured me that was not uncommon. Accidents happen. She and the aide assisted me to the bathroom, cleaned me up, and changed the bedding. They ensured my dignity was preserved the entire time. Cile regularly checked in on my husband and me, providing updates, answering our questions, and, best of all, bringing us snacks. Her exceptional nursing care and skills, paired with her kindness and compassion, embody the essence of what it means to be a DAISY Nurse. Her dedication to providing patient-centered care made an impact on me during my stay. It is with the utmost gratitude and admiration that I nominate Cile for this prestigious honor.