January 2016
Family Birth
Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center
United States




When she's talking or listening to you, Cindy has a way of making you feel like yours is the most important issue at the moment. Yesterday we had a sick baby in the nursery who really needed an IV start. Several highly experienced baby nurses had tried but were unsuccessful. Cindy was very busy attending other tasks but cheerfully made arrangements for those tasks to be attended to and stepped up to help us with this baby. She also used this as a teaching moment for the newer RN to the unit.
Throughout her 36 years of distinguished career as a nurse, Cindy has modeled care, compassion, and kindness for her patients. Early in her nursing career, Cindy must have whispered to many babies in her care, to carry on the torch and love of the nursing profession. Two current co-workers had Cindy as their nurse when they were born into the world (we know this by their written crib cards and the times she was there). She has taken them under her wing and parted her wisdom, knowledge, and pedagogy.
Cindy has taken care of many babies and families and has helped many to grieve the loss of their precious baby by touch and listening. She is the best when it comes to making the memory boxes and castings of hands of those babies.
Cindy believes in "Paying it forward" and is an inspiration and admired figure in the Family Birth Center at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center.