Cindy Raganyi
May 2022
Surgical, 5 Harrison
Cape Girardeau
United States




​​​​​​​Cindy goes out of her way for staff and patients alike.
Cindy has poured her heart and soul into this floor and staff. She has molded the nurses and secretaries into the people that they are. She is extremely passionate about her patients and her team and runs a very structured ship. She is the reason that our staff has a very small turnover rate. She wastes no time in helping out on the floor whether that is passing out meal trays, cleaning up a patient, or answering call lights. She cares so much about the care that patients receive on our unit. She will make sure they get top notch care. She also keeps the staff up to date on current policies and changes in the organization. She shows us everyday what a nurse at Southeast represents. Nothing is below her in her manager duties and she makes sure that every patient gets taken care of like family.


Cindy goes out of her way for staff and patients alike. When she is on the floor, she is helping out by stripping vacant rooms to help housekeeping, ambulating patients, toileting patients, rounding on patients to ensure they’re satisfied. She is always aware of what is happening on the floor, and seeming always know when a nurse or tech is in need of help, and she arrives to the call. Whenever there is a tough conversation to be had with a patient or even other staff such as physicians, Cindy is by the side of the nurse to provide support. She has the experience of a long career and she shares her experience in countless situations, able to teach the newest employees and experienced employees. Cindy has even started IVs on patients that are a hard sick, sparing the rapid response nurses a trip to the floor. Cindy also invests in her staff personally and has aided her employees through various tragedies and losses, especially in the last two years: one nurse lost her husband to covid, a PCT lost her boyfriend unexpectedly, a nurse lost her father and a nurse lost her mother to covid. These individuals received an outpouring of love and support from Cindy. This floor has a strong reputation of teamwork and selflessness.

Additionally, the staff has a very low turnover and the most of the nurses on the floor each have multiple years (if not 10+ years) experience. This is due to Cindy and her ability to retain staff and build their trust and loyalty. As mentioned previously, Cindy is willing to help with absolutely any task on the floor and the rest of us model our behavior after her. Cindy arrives every morning with a positive attitude. She starts by greeting each person individually and asking them how they are doing this morning and how the day appears to be going. If there is something negative reported to Cindy at that time, she is able to find a resolution or positive way to look at the situation. Cindy reminds us all why we got into this field of providing patient care. She makes the day better for the staff and patient by addressing people’s needs and finding a way to provide. Cindy promotes a very positive image of the nursing profession. She is an active member of the community. She attends every Jackson Indian football games and many other sporting events. Cindy encourages punctuality and commitment. 5H keeps a spotless nurses station, which is often the first things patient and visitors see when they arrive to the floor. She handles messes without asking, commonly coming through the break room or patients rooms and cleaning up and taking out the trash. Cindy has been a nurse since the 70’s and has garnered praise and respect and that’s a hard reputation to maintain for so long without any criticism.


I have worked for Cindy for almost 15 years. I chose to work on this floor because of her. She helps out with patient care, passing trays, getting patients up, placing them on specialty beds, any nursing duties possible, especially when we are swamped and in dire need of help. She has always been compassionate when it comes to patients, their families, as well as her staff under her. Whenever I have had family emergencies when I needed off, she immediately told me not to worry about covering the shifts, just worry about myself and my family. She cares about her staff. She proves an example of how to treat her staff as well as other coworkers and patients. We know she stands up for us when needed because she cares. She is consistently helping us make sure we have the proper policy actions in place. She holds her staff to a high standard because she believes in us and realizes we can do this for excellent patient care.

Cindy is always positive and upbeat. Always coming to the desk in the morning to check on her staff and make sure everything is running smoothly. I there’s any issues, she’s always willing to address them and help the nurse in any way. She promotes nursing by ensuring her staff take care of their patients appropriately not only to hospital standard, but nursing standards. She encourages patient advocacy and appropriate patient care.


Cindy holds a high standard for patient care, encouraging the nurses and techs to provide excellent care to our patients. Cindy does not only hold a high standard for others, she does for herself also. She is active in patient care, helping with daily patient needs, such as turning, ambulating, or sitting up in a chair. On one occasion, a patient on the floor needing to go via ambulance to the Cancer Center and Cindy rode in the ambulance to and from the Cancer Center with the patient.

As a new nurse, there are many areas that I have needed improvement in. Cindy has always been available to teach me and assist with any issues that arise. Any mistakes that might be made are handled and reported appropriately and Cindy coaches on how to improve and prevent mistakes again. This provides a trust with confidential or sensitive issues with Cindy. Compassion comes in a variety of ways. Cindy was concerned when I requested to go part-time, she checked on me, if it was concerned with my job, my duties, or if it was personal. She has a genuine concern for her staff. Cindy motivates us when she participates in patient care, with discharges, providing education, placing IVs. Seeing your manager being willing to pitch in with those staff nurse duties encourages you to go above and beyond also. We strive for better outcomes by working together to ensure fall safety is in place. Cindy helps with fall mats, bed alarms, fall band and such. She also praises and congratulates when procedure is followed or when things are done correctly. Even little things are noticed and mentioned and it makes a difference. The image of nursing is always evolving, changing, and advancing. Cindy works with the changes in the hospital and nursing field. She uses her experience and incorporates it with relevant practices. Cindy stays up to date on new IVs, new technology, or external catheters are recently new; Cindy attended in-services with us staff nurse. The image of nursing is compassion, kindness, and knowledge. Cindy exhibits these daily and strives for it with each staff member, and works with us to achieve the level of confidence and competency required for our jobs.