November 2011
Florida State University, College of Nursing
United States




I would like to nominate Cindy Studenic-Lewis an educator, from Florida State University as a deserving recipient of the DAISY Faculty Award. This nurse educator exemplifies the kind of faculty member that students, colleagues, staff and administrators recognize as an exemplary educator and an outstanding role model. The title Undergraduate Program Director does not begin to describe the depth and breadth of her role. She is directly responsible for the clinical and internship placement of 110 undergraduate nursing students, and countless community coordination efforts for the 210 students enrolled in the undergraduate nursing program. In her 8 years at the College of Nursing over 1,500 nursing students have depended on her leadership and guidance every day for educational and professional development activities, tutoring, and mentorship. In her role as Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Cindy has led in the development of partnerships with local and state hospitals, and community health departments. She is responsible for developing innovative educational initiatives for the college and provides coordination for continuing education, clinical affiliations and placements, leadership development, and professional advancement. Cindy represents our college on campus-wide committees and participates in community, state, national organizations, and professional activities concerned with nursing. She develops strategies for student success and for the collaborative advancement of all organizational colleagues, overseeing partnerships with a variety of healthcare institutions. She is an expert in program and curriculum development, and is an experienced nurse leader. Cindy is fully committed to her students' growth. She selflessly gives of her time and knowledge to further each student's development and is always focused on her students rather than herself. It is not unusual for her to be at her desk until midnight reviewing and editing work that students have asked her advice on, in addition to achieving her personal goals of higher education. Cindy is a candidate for her Doctorate in Nursing Practice with an anticipated graduation in the spring of 2013. She makes time for anyone and everyone who needs her help. Cindy is a teacher in every setting - both in the classroom and community health setting. Not only is Cindy a brilliant thinker and teacher but she is also a truly kind and generous person who works endlessly to support students and colleagues. She has a unique combination of being both challenging and nurturing so that her students advance in knowledge, but in a way that feels fully supported. Her teaching style is informed by her calling as a nurse. Cindy is not only a master of nursing knowledge, she is a leader because she is able to use that knowledge to inspire and drive others. It would be easy to be intimidated by someone with her credentials and accomplishments but instead she fosters and encourages new ideas, full disclosure and "challenging the status quo." Cindy has a way of single-handedly motivating every student she meets to advance their thinking, practice, and education. As a result of meeting her, students and colleagues have continued their education and returned to practice influencing and supporting a professional model, improving patient care, and "giving nursing a voice." Cindy is able to connect with students at every level and is able to ignite their potential. Through the process of her mentorship, students in our program learn to articulate the essence of nursing and how as a nurse they distinctively contribute to the patient experience.