Cindy Trawick
May 2022
Labor and Delivery
DCH Health System
United States




I didn’t have the ability to clean myself, but I didn’t have to worry because she did it all. That was so special to me.
I delivered my baby by emergency c-section just as her shift was beginning. From that moment on she was by my side for the next 12 hours. My baby was taken to the NICU and I wanted to go see him as soon as I could. Cindy helped me out of bed just a few hours after my surgery and worked and worked with me to be able to walk and control my nausea. At that time my body was not quite ready, so I went back to bed and asked her to help me try again in a couple more hours. A little bit later, she helped me out of bed again. She worked and worked with me to be able to walk to the bathroom, and she cleaned me up from my c-section and labor. I didn’t have the ability to clean myself, but I didn’t have to worry because she did it all. That was so special to me. It was special that she worked diligently to help me walk, control my nausea and clean me up so I could meet my baby for the first time. I was very drowsy from all the medication I received that day, but my husband later told me that Cindy was in my room the whole night attending to my needs. She was by my side to help walk, bathe me off, wipe my face while I was vomiting, take my husband to NICU, and support us when the doctor told us how very sick our newborn baby was. If she had other responsibilities, we had no idea. I could never repay her for her loving and caring spirit that night, and that was the spirit I needed. My baby was critically ill and later transferred to Children’s Hospital and placed on ECMO. My birthing experience and his first month of life ended up being a traumatizing experience for my husband and me, but looking back on the night that Cindy took care of me, she was the sunshine in our experience. The loving and caring spirit we needed in our lives.