Clarissa Swearengin
March 2021
North Emergency Department
Cox Medical Center Springfield




The patient didn't ask for any of this, Clarissa just saw her needs and provided for her. Clarissa went above and beyond and I am grateful to work with someone this thoughtful and kind to those who have no voice.
Clarissa was nominated by a coworker.
We have a patient in the North ED that came from a home where she lives with her mother. Due to some learning disabilities, she is unable to properly take care of her mother or herself. This patient has been in our ED for over a week awaiting a guardianship hearing. She has a colostomy and did not know how to properly care for it, so she came in covered in fecal matter. Clarissa went and bought the patient some pajamas, jeans, tops, sweat suits, blankets, snacks, and sodas. She also bought her some crayons and coloring books, as well as brought in some Disney movies and her own personal computer to keep the patient entertained.
Most of all, Clarissa shows amazing compassion by going and spending time with the patient. Just this morning, Clarissa went in and made sure the patient had a shower and put on some of the new clothes. The patient was so proud of herself.
Clarissa has gone over the top to give this lady a feeling of comfort and safety while she waits for her guardianship hearing. The patient didn't ask for any of this, Clarissa just saw her needs and provided for her. Clarissa went above and beyond and I am grateful to work with someone this thoughtful and kind to those who have no voice.