Claudia Lacey
February 2022
Claudia E
Cardiac Stroke
Parker Adventist Hospital
United States




Through it all, she was so kind and thoughtful. Claudia gave my brother and me the time to just spend quiet moments with our mom.
Claudia is a delightful, enthusiastic, and caring nurse on the cardiac floor of your hospital. She cared for our Mom for two days. My brother initially had told me how good and kind Claudia was and I was blessed to witness her caring ways the next day. She was SO wonderful that our mom didn't want to leave Parker Adventist hospital AT ALL. Mom was supposed to be transferred to assisted living for long-term nursing care. My brother was with our Mom until about 5:30 PM when he left to come home and my plan was to come in the next day to spend time with Mom and to help get her moved to the new facility. Claudia called me about 6 PM to tell me that our mom had suffered what she called a "STemi" and that Mom was critical. Since my brother is only 10 minutes from Parker Adventist and I was more than an hour away I told her that I would call my brother to come back to the hospital that night. We expected that our mom might pass away in the middle of the night, but she held on until my brother and I were able to be with her the next day. Claudia was Mom's nurse again that whole day, and through it all, she was so kind and thoughtful. She gave my brother and me the time to just spend quiet moments with our mom. After our mom passed in the afternoon, we said our goodbyes to her. My brother and his wife were the last to leave her room. In their grief, they forgot the pillow that our mom had rested her head on for the last few days in the hospital. Claudia realized that, grabbed the pillow, and ran down the hallway after them to give it to them. Because of that last thoughtful act, we will be able to bury our mom with her little dog neck pillow. And we will bless Claudia in her sweet kindnesses to our beloved Mother.