Connie Puryear
December 2020
Home Health/Hospice
Community Memorial Hospital




Connie provided such a confident assurance of comfort that you could feel the relief roll off my parents whenever she walked in their front door.
I was sitting at my parent's kitchen table asking Connie if she thought I should stay with my mother. Her answer was a simple nod and a verbal confirmation. I had met the infamous "Connie" just moments before when my mother introduced us. Her name had come up in moments before when my mother introduced us. Her name had come up in multiple phone conversations with my parents in previous weeks, so I had some knowledge as to who she was and how much she meant to my parents. In the 2 weeks left of my father's life, she would become endearing to me, as well.
My father was diagnosed with bladder cancer 9 years ago and approximately three or four weeks ago, he began receiving the services offered through CMH Community Hospice. He was introduced to Connie and they immediately hit it off! My father and Connie spent their early formative years as residents of Southside Virginia and because of that, they shared many similarities beyond the regional accent. Connie provided such a confident assurance of comfort that you could feel the relief roll off my parents whenever she walked in their front door. The care that she provided not only to my father but to my mother as well, could not be measured. She was referred to, in my parent's home, as their angel, rightfully so.
When my Dad passed away peacefully, Connie was there to offer support. I can't tell you the number of times she came by my parent's home, at the end of a hectic business day or on her day off, just to check on my father and see how my mother was doing. She has even contacted our family in recent days, just to check on us and to see how we are adjusting to my father's death.
I'm writing it to let you know that you should feel pride knowing that Connie is a part of your healthcare team. My hope is that we should be so lucky, when our time comes, to receive the care of such an angel.