Corey Summers
September 2021
Cardiovascular Progressive Care Unit
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
United States
Corey could see our distress and so he stayed with us. He reassured us.
Corey was my nurse when, around midnight, I felt a fluttering and bounding sensation in my chest. And at that time my monitor started to alarm! My wife jumped up and came over, looked at the monitor, and hit the call button, asking if I was ok. Corey quickly came in and said, “It looks like you are in Afib. How do you feel? Don’t worry we are going to take care of this, I’m messaging the doctor.” He took an EKG and started the medication to stop the Afib. He knew what to do and messaged the doctor more than once to get what he needed to help me.
We were terrified. I felt like I was going to die – I thought I was going to die. Corey reassured us. He answered all of my wife’s questions – and there were a lot of them. He reached out to the doctor with our requests and advocated for us. He could see our distress and so he stayed with us. He reassured us. He distracted us. He carried us through a truly distressing and scary night. The care and compassion he showed us was heartfelt and helped us beyond measure. The Johns Hopkins Hospital is lucky to have him. He is a bright and shining star of a nurse. We are so grateful he was with us that night.
We were terrified. I felt like I was going to die – I thought I was going to die. Corey reassured us. He answered all of my wife’s questions – and there were a lot of them. He reached out to the doctor with our requests and advocated for us. He could see our distress and so he stayed with us. He reassured us. He distracted us. He carried us through a truly distressing and scary night. The care and compassion he showed us was heartfelt and helped us beyond measure. The Johns Hopkins Hospital is lucky to have him. He is a bright and shining star of a nurse. We are so grateful he was with us that night.