Cortney Waters
October 2021
The Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio
United States




Cortney never left my side until I was stable.
By now we all know that nurses are super heroes, however, I never realized the super powers a nurse could hold to save my life. I was at RIO alone and scared. The first day I was Cortney's patient I felt myself declining but could not understand the severity of my situation. My body was shutting down from, what I now know was, an adrenal crisis. I was confused and filled with terror because my body was crashing and I could not control anything happening to me or around me.

Cortney took control. Her keen observation skills allowed her to discover the underlying issue that was making me so ill. She persistently collaborated with her team to find an answer to my devastating deterioration. Cortney never left my side until I was stable. She continued to go above and beyond throughout my stay. She has a special way of making a patient feel top priority. I am grateful for Cortney and the cape she wears.