Courtney Wilkinson
January 2024
Baptist Health Medical Center
Little Rock
United States




I see Courtney’s compassion every day with patients and families. She is able to provide education and heartfelt explanations to families in distress because a loved one is dying.
Excellent communication skills in discussing difficult topics, such as, end of life care to patients and families. Super knowledgeable in caring for the terminally ill, with this patient, specifically, who was having symptoms that were difficult to manage and working well with the hospice RN and the nurses on 10A to keep this patient comfortable and out of distress. I see Courtney’s compassion every day with patients and families. She is able to provide education and heartfelt explanations to families in distress because a loved one is dying. I had decided it was time to recognize Courtney for her work with these families when we received this card from this patient's wife, whom Courtney worked with for many days, assisting her to come to terms and be at peace with her husband's death, all the while, working hard to keep him from suffering.

The letter read: "Courtney, thank you so much for the love, compassion, and care you showed to me and L during his final days here on earth. You are truly an angel and made our last days bearable."