December 2020
Ascension St. John Hospital
Anna Miller-Vickers;
Ashlee Andrews;
Brian Pilarski;
Christine Schocker;
Kendra Templeman;
Mo ElHage Hassan;
Rebekah Wennersten;
Sahar Taleb;
Sean Hopkins




It was the SWAT Team that was able to keep everyone cool, calm, and collected throughout this entire experience.
In March of this year, nearly everything we knew about nursing was turned upside down. The Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, had begun to make its way through the units of Ascension St. John. We as nurses strapped on whatever personal protective equipment we had and began our journey fighting this battle.
We are 6 North and prior to COVID-19 our unit was home to St. John's oncology patients, but this quickly changed. We opened our doors strictly to patients affected by COVID-19. Through the lab draws, IV starts, rapid responses, code blues, and bedside intubations, one team of nurses shined above the rest. Brian, Sean, Ashlee, and Rebecca make up our SWAT Team, together forming the most reliable, compassionate, and knowledgeable resource available to the day shift.
The DAISY Foundation states that "The DAISY Team Award is designed to honor collaboration by two or more people, led by a nurse, who identify and meet patient and/or patient family needs by going above and beyond the traditional role of Nursing." For their countless efforts and persistent above and beyond contributions, we would like to recognize SAWT with the Team DAISY Award.
Our SWAT nurses are ICU trained, with decades of combined invaluable bedside experience. They have tirelessly endured each day helping both nurses and patients survive during this pandemic. Brian, Sean, Ashlee, and Rebecca have undeniably gone above and beyond their job role as SWAT. Each one keeping spirits lifted, spreading new education, and making rounds on every unit, laying eyes on every patient. Their devotion to our patients had remained steadfast with each new day.
With the Coronavirus came more intubated patients requiring critical care beds which consumed the ICU. As a result, the acuity on the floors heightened, increasing the need for critical care comprehension. During this time of increased acuity and new obstacles arising with each patient, SWAT has never failed to help us safely navigate the unknown complications of COVID-19. They treat each patient as an individual, they look at the patent as a whole, taking in that the patient is more than a positive COVID-19 test result. We have witnessed the greatest compassion, from verbal reassurance to taking a patient outside to feel the warmth of the sun after a month-long admission.
We as 6 North want to thank Brian, Sean, Ashlee, and Rebecca for each morning they left the safety of their homes to join us on the frontlines. We want to say thank you for every sacrifice each of them had to make to keep their families safe. Thank you for staying strong for not only our patients but our staff as well. Thank you for being patient advocates and making sure our concerns were addressed.
It is easy for someone to say, "This is what they signed up for," but no one nurse went into nursing school prepared to take on an airborne pandemic like the one we are facing today. Each SWAT nurse has voluntarily logged countless hours of overtime, stayed late after multiple shifts, and selflessly spent hours side by side with nurses stabilizing patients. If the Coronavirus has taught us anything, it is how crucial teamwork is to caring for this patient population. SWAT has become more to us than just extra hands during rapid responses and code blues. As we're sure everyone as St. John appreciates the presence of SWAT, to us they have become a part of our family here on 6 North.
During the transition of 2W into an ICU, SWAT was our biggest and most valuable resource. They were willing to educate us, answer our endless questions, and back us up whenever needed. The support they showed our unit during difficult times and losses was unwavering. We are so fortunate and grateful to have them to turn to during this difficult time. If there is anyone deserving of this award, it would be the SWAT team for now only going above and beyond but especially for giving freely of their knowledge, skills, and support and for unquestionably being the backbone of the hospital.
There is absolutely no way to ever be able to explain just how extraordinary, amazing, and valuable the SWAT Team had been through the entire COVID process! I will never be able to thank them enough, or ever express anywhere near the level of appreciation that they deserve. The entire SWAT Team is and has stepped up to make this unforgettable experience one that we are all able to manage significantly better.
The hospital as a whole is more united because of the SWAT Team. The entire hospital has been able to maintain a positive attitude because of the entire SWAT Team. The units that were previously specialized were all converted to COVID units and it was very overwhelming for the teams as well as a learning curve for all, but it was the SWAT Team that was able to keep everyone cool, calm, and collected throughout this entire experience. I know that I can speak on behalf of all of my coworkers when I say that the SWAT Team as a whole is the true meaning of role models. Embracing every moment, stepping up to the task of the unknown day in and day out, and never with any complaint. They are the real heroes. It is because they have operated as 1 functioning group and are the real reason for the success at St. John Hospital.
When referring to healthcare heroes, the SWAT Team is definitely among those on top of the list! As our staff faces a variety of challenges during this COVID crisis, the SWAT team has been extremely gracious in their time and commitment to support us as well as take care of patients in distress. Although 2 Ell has not been designated a COVID unit, the SWAT has been constantly present to offer support and we truly appreciate that so we can provide great care. From helping with hard IVs, placing or troubleshooting cortrak, responding to rapid/code calls, or even educating us on proper PPE use - Thank You! You deserve much recognition.
As Cy Wakeman teaches, "What does great look like?" These nurses are the epitome of greatness, especially during COVID times. They have been absolutely fantastic in supporting our nursing staff. Every time they were on their way to a COVID unit, they always made sure to stop by the 4 East nurses station and ask if we needed anything. We have truly felt their support. They are always taking the time to help us out (even when they don't have to).Each and every one of them have made personal sacrifices for the wellbeing of the hospital and patients.
For example, one SWAT nurse chose to live separately from his infant son during this time, while another traveled from another county under scrutiny at times just to be able to help. Their dedication to the hospital and our staff knows no bounds. They have witnessed immeasurable traumas during this time, yet they have still managed to encourage and support us. We are forever grateful. They are the fierce, the strong, and the brave. Although the award itself will never be able to express our gratitude for you all, we can't think of anybody more deserving. We are so blessed and so thankful that you have been by our side during this incredibly difficult time. God bless you all!
There are no words to describe the impact SWAT had during this COVID pandemic. These amazing nurses embodied everything a health care hero should to go above and beyond for not just the patients, but the staff as well. They were our mentors when we needed guidance, our preceptors for skills we haven't mastered, our friends when we needed a shoulder to cry on, and our lifelines when things were out of our control.
Each day, they saw the worst COVID brought and each day they battled it by our sides, with the attitude that only true heroes could. They sacrificed themselves for the good of the hospital in its time of need and asked for nothing in return. Many of them worked extra hours and spent time away from their families to ensure the staff at St. John were supported in any way they needed. These selfless acts make them an irreplaceable team at our hospital and our health care community. Having worked with all of them over these past few months, we've realized that they aren't just amazing people at work, but also just incredible people in everyday life.
We would like to recognize our SWAT nurses for the help and guidance they have provided to us and all of our patients. Thank you doesn't even begin to describe our gratitude. These nurses rounded multiple times per day to make sure our patients were safe, and when we called they would drop everything to come help. These nurses are the real heroes. We could not have gotten through this without them. Thank you, Sean, Rebekah, Ashlee, and Brian!
I was just talking to my family the other day about what an incredible job the SWAT nurse team has done for the staff.
That day I was standing at the nurses' station and one of my nurses was feeling a bit anxious about her patient's condition. SWAT rounded preemptively and posed the question, "Is there anyone you are worried about today?" My nurse got to share her concern about her patient, and he replied, "Sure, let's go take a look and see what we can do for them." Immediately and visibly you could see the tenseness in the nurse fade, and she was ready to tackle the tasks at hand because she had another set of expert eyes to review the patient to decide where to go from there.
The manner in which they have stepped up during this pandemic has been remarkable. They have a way of saying "Call me with any questions you have, big or small. We are here for you." It is so much more than "Call me if you need me." It gives the staff that permission and openness to reach out for the smallest of concerns, questions or validation. To watch the staff's tension melt when SWAT is present is pretty great to witness from a leadership perspective. I am grateful for them the same as the staff.
Our unit was talking about the SWAT nurses and how they have been the backbone in this fight against COVID. They have relentlessly shown not only our unit but every nursing unit in our hospital, an insurmountable amount of support. We have been brainstorming ways to thank them, even though we know we will never be able to really show our gratitude for the help they have provided.