Cristy L.
May 2024
Cristy L.
Vermont State University
United States




Her main concern was his comfort and ensuring that his son was able to at least see him prior to surgery. She stayed by his side in his confusion and offered reassuring words while simply holding his hand for comfort.
Cristy was tentative this year as she returned to her education a bit later in life than the “traditional” student. However, since day 1, she has approached each day with full compassion and eagerness to learn how to better care for her patients. She has no concern for stigma, and approaches each patient with fresh eyes and adapts her approach to meet their unique needs. Each of her clinical rotations has shown an example that I could share but one patient experience stood out to me. An older gentleman was brought in with a perforated bowel, was quickly declining and required emergent surgery. She had no warning to what her day was going to look like, but she jumped right in to assist her co-assigned nurse. While the skills far exceeded what would be expected of a student nurse, she remained calm as the situation escalated. She was attentive and responsive to the needs of the patient. Her main concern was his comfort and ensuring that his son was able to at least see him prior to surgery. She stayed by his side in his confusion and offered reassuring words while simply holding his hand for comfort. She accompanied him to the operating room and remained with him during his procedure and returned to the ICU when complete. She was one of the first people to notice a color change to his hand due to a clot near his arterial line and was brushed aside by people more experienced than her that it was “nothing to worry about.” She, however, persisted and made others aware of her concern. Her words and actions made enough people aware that this patient required a higher level of care, and he was transferred that evening to a larger facility where his hand was evaluated, addressed, and treated. Her voice of advocacy and caring nature for her patients is exactly what we need in this nursing field, and it was truly an honor to be part of her educational journey.