Cynthia Wilhite
November 2021
Outpatient PreOp
CHI St Vincent Hospital
Hot Springs
United States




She went above and beyond in finding the doctors ahead of schedule to provide my husband with the pain relief that he so desperately needed.
My husband recently had an outpatient procedure to place a stent due to a kidney stone. My husband was in such dire pain that no one except an administrative person in outpatient and Cynthia, his nurse in pre-op, even acknowledged (he was pacing in pain and heaving due to nausea). She went above and beyond in finding the doctors ahead of schedule to provide my husband with the pain relief that he so desperately needed. She saw his great need and found a way to address it and made him comfortable. Due to covid restrictions, I was not allowed in the room during his prep, so knowing that she took such good care of him, I am indebted. Not only that, but after his procedure, I saw Cynthia helping an elderly woman whose husband was having surgery. The elderly lady had many items she was carrying to her car, and Cynthia offered to assist her. I cannot say enough about Cynthia, and how she goes above and beyond for those patients and their families with whom she works!