Dakota Guttman
April 2024
Labor and Delivery
Lankenau Medical Center
United States




She made a night I was originally afraid for the happiest and most enjoyable birth experience I could have ever asked for.
When I delivered my first child at Lankenau Medical Center, my husband and I were blown away by the care and compassion we received from the moment I called my physician's office to discharge.
I will forever be grateful for Dakota Guttman’s knowledge, skill, and expertise during that long night. She had the incredible ability to know what I needed before I even knew it myself. She advocated for me when I wasn't sure how to advocate for myself. She graciously encouraged and helped guide my husband in being an active part of the delivery and support person for me. She maintained my dignity and privacy during the most vulnerable experience of my life (no small task when you are pushing a small human out of your body). She provided comfort and encouragement for hours. I truly don't know how she accomplished all of this with such grace. For several hours, she cheered me on over and over again. I felt so encouraged and so excited that I would be meeting my baby boy soon. She made a night I was originally afraid for the happiest and most enjoyable birth experience I could have ever asked for. I can only hope that my future children come into the world in this same exact way.
Dakota stayed by our side the entire night with endless composure and kindness. At one point, both my blood pressure and the baby's heart rate dropped. She acted quickly and with precision: assessing, taking action, and leading a room full of professionals who came to help. I knew at that moment I was in the best of hands. Although at first I was overwhelmed by the amount of people rushing in, talking and evaluating me, I then did not have an ounce of worry or doubt. I looked at her and knew she would keep us safe. That is the spirit of nursing to me. Only a nurse can create this instant connection and cultivate total trust in a complete stranger in a matter of minutes. Dakota embodies this spirit of nursing and true compassion. I will be forever grateful she was the person there during the happiest moment of our lives.