Dana Willard
January 2024
Breast Center
Methodist Comprehensive Breast Center
United States




Dana stayed late with the patient and comforted her. Then she got on the phone, called other centers, and got this lady in the next day at one of our sister breast centers.
As a Nurse Navigator at our breast center, Dana works diligently with the radiologists to get patients scheduled for biopsies, get appointments with surgeons, and give out pathology results in a timely manner. Usually, every patient wants to get the biopsy over with ASAP and not wait to have these done. One particular day, we had a late patient who needed a biopsy. Our biopsy schedule had been full with no openings for weeks. It was after 5 pm, Dana should've already clocked out, but she stayed because she knew the patient was still here. The patient was upset, and with it being so close to end of year, she was really anxious to get this biopsy done ASAP. The radiologist taking care of her also wanted this done ASAP and spoke with Dana about making it happen (even though they knew we had no openings). Dana stayed late with the patient and comforted her. Then she got on the phone, called other centers, and got this lady in the next day at one of our sister breast centers. She came in early the next day to work on getting that order from the patient's doctor for the biopsy. Her compassion and caring attitude toward her patients really shows.

The radiologists were talking about this case the next day and commented about how Dana is constantly going above and beyond for them, as well as our patients, and how appreciative they are of her. We are thankful to have Dana on our team!