Danica Dobric
August 2016
Union Hospital of Cecil County
United States




Danica has always been a vital part of the MSU team. I have witnessed Danica jump into action during many RRT's, assist patients with their needs, fix beeping IV pumps, and offer assistance when anyone on the floor who needed her.
Danica went above and beyond for one of our patients last week. The patient was being discharged to home after a hospitalization for DKA. Although the patient was a diabetic for many years, both he and his wife (the primary caregiver), were struggling with maintaining the delicate balance between hypo and hyperglycemia and the new insulin pump.
Danica accessed the situation and realized that the patient and his wife were not able to make the outlined treatment plan work at home as prescribed by their current endocrinologist. Danica made several phone calls, arranging for a stat consult with another endocrinologist within the same practice and a stat consult with a certified diabetes nutrition counselor. By the time the patient and his wife left for the day, they had met with the nutrition counselor and a technician from the endocrinologists office, who adjusted the pump settings and provided education and ensured that they were set up for their next appointment.
Because of Danica's keen insight, knowledge, and quick thinking, I, as the primary nurse, was able to focus on making their discharge plan work for their schedule and lifestyle. I have to say this was one of the most confident discharges I have ever completed here at Union because of Danica! The patient and his wife could not believe that someone would actually take the time to listen to their needs and make a plan that worked for them.
Danica provides more than education, compassion, empathy, and kindness to our patients on MSU. She provides them with HOPE for a better future. Danica is an asset not just to MSU, but also Union Hospital and the community it serves.