Danielle Gaylord
August 2021
Med/Surg 4A
Lutheran Hospital
Fort Wayne
United States




After the patient passed, Danielle spent a lot of time washing his hair, thoroughly cleaning his beard, and cleaning his nails, ensuring the patient was presentable before the wife came in.
Danielle is constantly recognized by all members of our staff as well as patients for being extremely helpful and ensuring everything goes well. On a day when Danielle was charge nurse, we had a patient that had been here 5 ½ weeks and was actively passing away. Danielle spent an extended amount of time keeping this patient comfortable, washed, turned, and pain-free throughout her shift. It was a very difficult situation as the family was not ready to accept the terminal diagnosis. After the patient passed, Danielle spent a lot of time washing his hair, thoroughly cleaning his beard, and cleaning his nails, ensuring the patient was presentable before the wife came in. The patient had continually refused this care during his stay. The wife was tearful that Danielle had taken the time to clean her husband’s beard, as it had been stained the majority of the patient’s stay. The wife gave Danielle a hug and let her know she was extremely grateful for her care and that she was a fantastic, compassionate nurse.