Daphne Wiggins
March 2023
Labor and Delivery
East Georgia Regional Medical Center
United States




Daphne was warm and patient and went above and beyond to help us.

Daphne was an absolute superhero during my recent labor and delivery at East Georgia Regional. She exemplified the extraordinary strengths and skills needed in the nursing profession. It was her compassion combined with quick thinking, and clear, calm communication that made my experience such a positive one.

I arrived needing an unscheduled induction, and Daphne was my nurse and the charge nurse during her shift, with Hurricane Ian looming, bringing in more patients under her care. In spite of all this, Daphne took the time out to talk with me and my husband about our options, and ease my concerns about induction. She was warm and patient and went above and beyond to help us. Then, after I was induced, my unmedicated delivery of a 9 pound, 6 ounce baby progressed quickly. I started feeling like I needed to push, and almost instantly Daphne appeared and knew it was time. I could hear her calm voice saying it was time.

In what couldn't have been more than 5 minutes, I had my beautiful baby boy. Daphne was there supporting me and even came to check on me the following day. Nurses like Daphne are angels in disguise and I will never forget how incredible my delivery was because of her!