Darshana Patel
December 2014
Winter Haven Hospital
Winter Haven
United States




Please recognize Darshana Patel for going above and beyond and buying her patient pie with her own money. Today, we had a confused, demented, pleasant patient sent from a nursing home for evaluation after a fall. The patient was oriented to self only. When he was asked why he was here, his response was, "for the pie." All the questions asked of him, he would start to answer and then talk about pie and how much he loved it.

Darshana took it upon herself in her busy day to walk down and buy him a piece of pie. This brought the biggest smile to his face and to ours. It is so nice to see appreciation from our patient when sometimes all we seem to be surrounded by is the business and things that need to be done faster, and faster. But to be able to take time and bring a smile to his face was wonderful.