David Neal
August 2024
Main OR
Northside Forsyth Hospital
United States




To say I was so happy to see him would be short of words. He brought such a smile to my face. He helped my husband load up all our things and put them in the car. On his day off! He helped me into the car, gave me a kiss on the head, and told me how thankful he was to see me doing better. 
David has meant a lot to me for so many reasons. 

First, I’d like to begin with my first daughter’s birth in 2014. I was going in for a c-section, and David was my Nurse Anesthetist. He walked me through everything I was going to feel and experience ahead of time and even showed me my oxygen level on the screen to reassure me that I was doing great. As you can imagine, I was a ball of nerves, not knowing what to expect, but David calmed all my nerves immediately. He even let me know that my daughter was finally here and she was beautiful and doing great. He took a picture for my husband and I with our new baby girl. He gave me a massage on my shoulders, continued to walk me through what the doctor was doing, and encouraged me that I did a great job. After that surgery, anytime I had surgery, and I had two other c-sections, I always hoped David was going to be there. Unfortunately, he wasn’t but that leads me to my most recent experience..

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in November of 2023 and was going in for a double mastectomy. Of course, I was nervous and once again hopeful that David would be my Nurse Anesthetist, and I was so relieved and thankful to see David walking past the curtain. He was going to be my Nurse Anesthetist for my surgery. He saw me and gave me a big hug and was so sweet and encouraging to my family and me. I had so much peace going into this long what was supposed to be 4hr surgery. Halfway through, 2hrs into the surgery, I began to develop Malignant Hyperthermia; my CO2 levels were rising, and my body temperature started to rise. David immediately noticed it and called a stop and was on top of it with getting me the antidote Dantrolene. 

He saved my life. 

I know David was placed in that surgery room for this very moment. Because they stopped the gas so quickly, I do remember parts of even being transferred from the OR to the ICU. I remember David staying calm but serious and taking all the right steps to take care of me. While in the ICU, I was able to do sign language while intubated and was coherent enough to know who was in the room with me, and I signed for David. He would come and hold my hand and encourage my family during a very scary time. He would reassure my family that I was going to be ok. I remember before extubation I signed for David. He was there as they extubated me, holding my hand once again and walking me through what to do. Encouraging me to cough, hugging me, and letting my family know I did such a great job. 

To tell you that he means a lot to me is an understatement. Once I moved out of the ICU and onto a normal floor he would text my family to check on me and see how I was doing. On the day that I got to go home, David showed up. To say I was so happy to see him would be short of words. He brought such a smile to my face. He helped my husband load up all our things and put them in the car. On his day off! He helped me into the car, gave me a kiss on the head, and told me how thankful he was to see me doing better. 

After that, I went back in to finish the surgery, which was the reconstruction part, and David was there. He helped start my IV line and encouraged me that I was going to do great, as I was super nervous after the last experience. He reassured me that no gasses that caused the MH were going to be used and even explained to me how they cleaned the tubes. Knowing he would be in the OR watching over me gave me a sense of peace and security I can’t describe. I woke up from the surgery in the recovery room, and the first person I saw was David. It brings me to tears as I write this because he means so much to me and has been there for me in the darkest season of my life. He has been such a light in the middle of it. 

I then had surgery for my port to be put in, and of course, David was there. Calming me of all my fears and worries. Letting me know what to expect, getting my IV started, talking with me before the doctor walks in the surgical room, and letting me know I have the best team and I’m going to do great. Reassuring me there’s no gas to cause MH and he will be with me when I wake up. Rubbing my head, calming all my nerves. As soon as I woke up and was in recovery, David was there, holding my hand, letting me know he talked with my family and that I did a great job. Checking in on me to see if I was in any pain. 

Then I ended up having to have another surgery, which was an emergency because one of my expanders got infected, and so a Dr I didn’t know very well, because mine was out of town, was doing the surgery to remove that expander, and so I was super nervous. David made sure to be there. Not only that but the office had scheduled me in the wrong building because I have MH I have to be at the main building and David got it fixed for me and let me know where to go and what time to be there. That alone made me feel so much better and I felt like I could take a deep breath and know it was all going to be ok. I showed up and David was there! Of course! He once again gave me a hug, letting me know I was going to be ok, being so sympathetic to the situation, and bringing me encouragement that everything was going to be all right. When I woke up, David was there. David has been more than just a nurse who takes care of my needs. He goes above and beyond. 

Everytime he walks in the room he brings a smile to my face. He brings me peace. He removes any fear I may be feeling. He is my angel. He has made an impact on my life that I will carry for the rest of my life. I wish everyone could have a David in their lives. He brings me so much joy. 

When I finished chemo, I wanted my family to be there to see me ring the bell, including David. As I was finishing up my last round, guess who showed up? David. He made my day. I wouldn’t have wanted to ring that bell without him watching me and telling me how proud he was of me. 

In all honesty I don’t know where I would be emotionally through all of this without David. He has become like family to me. I am so blessed to know him and to have him as a part of my life. I have never had any nurse take care of me the way David does. To me and all that he has done for me and means to me, he deserves more than a DAISY Award, but I feel like this is at least something to show him just how much he means to me. I could never thank him enough.