David Springle
May 2020
Surgical Unit
Carteret Health Care
Morehead City
United States




I was admitted to Carteret Health Care through the ER with a diagnosis of acute diverticulitis after blood work and a CT scan had been done. I was placed on the Surgical Floor with possible further assessment of necessary surgery. Two IV drips were started of two multi-spectrum antibiotics administered aggressively through the night. At 3 am, I became upset and insisted a stool specimen be done to determine EXACT BACTERIA being attacked. At 8 am, I experienced explosive diarrhea, but was able to pass sufficient stool for a test. One-hour later house doctor appeared in the doorway announcing, "You have C-Diff and you will immediately be quarantined for 8 days". The shock of which sent me into an immediate Afib episode which started the administering of Metoprolol and Diltiazem IV by syringe, 2.5 cm every 30 seconds until empty, about ½ hour. The Lead Nurse, David had introduced the syringe into an already established IV site and assured me as his patient, this was exactly what we needed to do. I was to be absolutely still during this injection time, all the while conversing with the heart monitor personnel as to what their readings were showing. David patiently, carefully administered the 2.5 cm every 30 seconds until the syringe was emptied into my body. All this time he was extremely calm and peacefully reassuring to me; I, too, was calm and contained the entire time. This was about my fifth episode with Afib over a year period. The floor team had been busy all this time packing my belongings to get me off the surgical floor as quickly as possible and into quarantine. David orchestrating my evacuating team so smoothly, reassuring me as they moved through the hospital hallways was executed. David's actions throughout this process were paramount in succeeding to stabilize my heart from the Afib with flawless skill and exceptional professionalism. David's entire team worked through this smoothly under his direction and leadership. Great Job David!