Dawn Van Buren
September 2020
Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center




Dawn created a color-coded chart for the nurses and other staff members to follow to know how this patient liked things done, what he liked, what made him calm, and gave everyone a way to communicate with him.
There was a patient who was very time-consuming because of his mental status, hearing loss, and cares. Many nurses were beginning to become frustrated with this patient because of the difficulty communicating due to his hearing loss and mental status. Dawn was asked to sit with this patient as a CPO for 3-4 days in a row. Dawn went above and beyond and did not just complete the tasks but took the time to listen to this patient and assessed his non-verbal cues. This allowed her to create a color-coded chart for the nurses and other staff members to follow to know how this patient liked things done, what he liked, what made him calm, and gave everyone a way to communicate with him. When the nurses would do their assessment, Dawn was given a break to leave the room; she did not just go take a typical break but went and stocked the unit and asked other nurses if they needed turns or cares, ensuring the unit was ready and that all RNs got assistance if they needed it.
Another example of how Dawn exemplifies the ICARE values is when she was sitting as a CPO for another patient who had altered mental status and could not communicate well with the staff. Dawn was present for a med pass from the previous nurse and when the next nurse was listing the meds that she was about to give, there appeared to be a duplicate medication; she spoke up and advocated for the patient. Dawn spoke up and told the nurse that she thought she heard this medication name given less than an hour ago and was concerned that maybe it should not be given again. Dawn's ability to put the ICARE values in place during her work ensured that the nurse investigated if this medication was given, found that it had been given but there was a dose change, and an extra dose was ordered. The patient was given meds safely and all seven medication rights were followed. Without advocacy from Dawn, this patient could have been given a double dose of a medication that could have caused negative side effects.
Dawn consistently puts the patient before herself and leads the way by showing the ICARE values and excellence in every interaction with the Veterans and every staff member she meets and engages with.