Debbie Wilson-Lewis
May 2023
Clinic (COPC)
Parkland Health
United States




This leader leads by example, always reassuring her team that she is willing to help with anything. Not only did she provide excellent compassionate care for this one patient, but showed extreme stewardship. She values her team and WE value and respect her.
Our fearless leader, "THE MANAGER" is what we call her. Our manager is still a nurse who does not mind jumping in the trenches to help when needed. We all see our managers daily, at times they are overwhelmed with meetings, staffing concerns, and day-to-day operations of the clinic. However, our manager here at "THE" Bluitt Flowers Clinic does that and more. It does not matter the situation, she will come to the rescue. If you are backed into a corner she is the one to call. She takes on full responsibility for her nurses. On this one particular occasions, one of her staff nurses had an issue regarding a patient, that the nurse felt was not handled correctly with another team. Not only did she advocate for that patient but she advocated for the nurse as well. She did not just leave it at going to talk to the other team, but she got down on her hands and knees and assisted her nurse with taking care of this patient who stated " that he has given up." I can hear it in my head in her New Orleans voice trying to reassure the patient to not worry and that they were going to take care of him. This leader leads by example, always reassuring her team that she is willing to help with anything. Not only did she provide excellent compassionate care for this one patient, but showed extreme stewardship. She values her team and WE value and respect her.


Ms. Debbie Wilson-Lewis has been exemplary in her position as the Nurse Manager of BFHC.   Her style of leadership has my nursing carrier for good and also, made me a better human being. There are too many examples of outstanding leadership to select from, but I will choose from those that have changed my life for good.

Nursing is a calling for me and I enjoy every moment of it.  However, communication was an Achilles heel for me.  I have always been a kind person, however, I often get complaints about yelling at people and speaking in the wrong tone.  Although I know that I am not screaming/yelling.  However, the complaint persists. This problem has become a prayer point and a cause to isolate myself, I could not figure out why my colleagues would say that about me.  Shortly after Ms. Wilson-Lewis's arrival to BFHC, she witnessed my exchange with a colleague that I felt like she was coming for a pound of my flesh.  Ms. Wilson-Lewis quickly intervened and prevented an escalation of that issue.  Later she pulled me aside and spoke to me, now I again pleaded my case (I do not yell or speak badly to people); she stated that she will point it out to me if she witnesses it.  I learned from that exchange.  My manager did as she said, and I became aware of my tone.  She corrected my speech pattern and modeled a better way of relaying my messages, an example of such is the difference between telling and asking. To me, there wasn't a difference, but there is a difference.  That action alone has greatly changed my relationships with a lot of my colleagues.  This is one of the many remarkable ways that my manager, my leader, and my boss lady has made a big difference in my carrier here and in my life.

She is a leader that listens to her subordinates and knows the character of those that work for her. Ms. Wilson-Lewis motivates me to strive for excellence.  I have the utmost respect for her and fear of disappointing her.  I can honestly say that I have a great deal of respect and honor for my Manager.  She is a great role model for me.