Deborah Dull
August 2023
Grand View Hospital
United States




We feel Deborah’s outstanding nursing skills, genuine care and compassion that day in the ER prevented [the patient] from getting much sicker and most likely saved her life.
A grateful family member nominated Deborah for the DAISY Award, explaining:

“Deborah knew immediately what to do to counteract the reaction and ran to get the medication necessary to reverse it, as well as the doctor. She worked very quickly but also stayed calm and continued to reassure [the patient], my husband and I that [the patient] would be okay.

Deborah’s genuine concern for [the patient] was instrumental in her not going home that day and she was consequently admitted to the hospital… She is now home and slowly recovering.

We feel Deborah’s outstanding nursing skills, genuine care and compassion that day in the ER prevented [the patient] from getting much sicker and most likely saved her life.

When we heard about the DAISY Award for nurses, we knew immediately that we wanted to nominate Deborah for one. She is an exceptional nurse, and we are so grateful for her presence that day.”

Join us in congratulating Deborah!