May 2022
RN, MS, CNS, CENP, PhD Candidate
Nursing Administration
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas
United States




I described her as a very professional, warm welcoming person that I had never had a chance to see in my previous workplaces.
I wish I was able to write with high-quality, grammatical words as I believe from my heart she deserves it but would like to use my ability to appreciate the work she has done in keeping us all safe along with her other great leader colleagues during the pandemic. Every single one of us knows how difficult it can be to be the head of the family as simple as it is and to lead a small group but we are talking about leading close to 3 thousand employees (if I am nearly correct) in her nursing team. I had multiple chances to meet Ms. Deb Fox on different occasions including during leadership rounds with the med-surg ACNO, who is also another great nursing leader exemplary, and during meetings and on other occasions. I described her as a very professional, warm welcoming person that I had never had a chance to see in my previous workplaces. In addition to her great personality, she is open to any discussions and/or responded quickly via her email even in the middle of the night at about 2-3 am. I would love to appreciate and recognize Ms. Deb Fox with this nomination. She deserves this award for the following:

1. Great leadership style during the pandemic.

2. Her warm and friendly professional leadership.

3. Her support and help with questions we had back then.

4. For coming to the unit every chance she had to see how we were doing and so on. In this chance, I would like to thank all of the leaders that stayed strong with your fellow employees in each department and we made it to overcome the pandemic era. God bless all.