Debra Sandquist
December 2023
Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
Lake Forest
United States




Knowing that I have celiac disease and would not have access to safe food, Debbie tracked down a package of gluten-free cookies and gave me the banana from her lunch.
Debbie provided extremely caring help in a difficult situation.

When I had an unexpected adverse reaction following my surgery, Debbie provided practical and comforting care. She used effective strategies to help me through the difficult recovery, which I greatly appreciated. Additionally, since I have celiac disease, Debbie worked with the NM pharmacist to check the safety of my medications to take home. I am grateful for this, as, despite my confirmation prior to my surgery, the medications were not celiac-safe. I was unexpectedly admitted overnight to receive medications via IV. Knowing that I have celiac disease and would not have access to safe food, Debbie tracked down a package of gluten-free cookies and gave me the banana from her lunch.

I cannot express the amount of kindness I felt from this especially unselfish act. While a banana may sound like a silly thing to value, it allowed me to concentrate on my recovery, knowing that I had the resources. When I needed something to eat at 2:30 in the morning to quell my nausea, the safe food was welcomed and valued. The act of generosity made me feel cared for. I really appreciate Debbie’s thoughtful care and hope that she is recognized for her impact. Thank you.