Decoda Williams
March 2022
Decoda W
Broward Health Medical Center
Ft Lauderdale
United States




Decoda encouraged me to have hope, and believe in my faith, and made me feel less alone as I had just moved here with no family.
Decoda was my nurse for 2 nights. She was caring, attentive, and confident. She came into my room shortly after I received some devastating news one morning. She stayed with me as I worked through my feelings, my crying and all. She encouraged me to have hope, and believe in my faith, and made me feel less alone as I had just moved here with no family. She made me feel and showed that this was more than a job for her. She came to visit me even when she wasn't my nurse! I was very concerned about the loss of my peripheral vision and my ability to drive. She told me that when she drove home she tried putting her hand up to the side of her head at times blocking some of her peripheral vision, and she felt that she could still drive, which gave me hope even if it's not possible for me in the end. Just the fact that she was thinking about me after her very long shift was special, in my opinion. This hospital will be a better place for patients with more nurses like Decoda. And to all the new nurses, remember that those small acts of kindness in the lives that pass through your hands for care, can make a world of difference to those who are scared and unsure of what is happening or going to happen to them. Decoda, you mentioned to me that you are working on some life goals. And I can see how hard you are willing to work to make them happen. I truly wish and believe that they will happen for you. I know for the rest of my life, when I tell the story of the time I was in the hospital recovering from a stroke I will mention you, your kindness, and think back and think of you, with gratitude.