Delaney Minear
September 2021
Allegheny Health Network, Allegheny General Hospital
United States




Because Delaney went the extra mile, we were able to avoid intubation and CPR which the patient did not want and only would have prolonged his suffering.
I am a resident who was working on 9A. Delaney and I were treating a patient with metastatic cancer who was in a lot of pain and having trouble breathing. Delaney brought her concerns to me and together we were able to have a discussion with the patient that ultimately resulted in changing the patient's code status to DNR/DNI. When the patient's family came in Delaney stayed about an hour after her shift to ensure open communication was achieved with the patient and family and with the night nurse coming on about what the plan would be. The patient did pass away that night but because Delaney went the extra mile, we were able to avoid intubation and CPR which the patient did not want and only would have prolonged his suffering. The patient passed peacefully. I'm sure this brought much reassurance to the family despite such a difficult time. I wish all nurses were like her.