February 2024
Blanchard Valley Hospital
United States




Ms. Deloris was put in the right place at the right time, and we are so very grateful!
Ms. Deloris was at my father’s side when he was ready to give up. She didn’t sugarcoat anything; she asked him if he wanted to give up and die or fight like crazy to get better. Right there in his face, he saw her through his tears and made his mind up to fight! She was exactly what he needed when he needed it! If she wouldn’t have been there at that very moment, I’m not sure where we would be today, fighting to get better and hopefully go back to rehab soon! Ms. Deloris was put in the right place at the right time, and we are so very grateful! She has shown dedication in the time he was her patient to checking in on him before she left for the day when she didn’t have him, as her patient shows the generous amount of compassion and love she has in her heart for her job.