Delta Whitehead
August 2023
4 North
Flowers Hospital
United States




Delta also recognized my emotional state during these 12 long days and took measures to heal me emotionally as best she could.
I was a patient on 4 North from late for about 2 weeks. The dates are irrelevant, but to a sick person in the hospital wondering from hour to hour if she would have to have exploratory surgery, the times are relevant. I have had two mastectomies (one of which was a TRAM flap procedure) and they were a walk in the park compared to how bad I felt on this visit.

My diagnosis of small bowel obstruction was not 100%, as tests were not conclusive. Sweet Dr. C made endless trips up to the 4th floor to check on me and discuss what we needed to do. All the customary steps to resolve an obstruction were taken for days to no avail. Unfortunately, the stars were aligning towards exploratory surgery, which not only did I NOT want, but Dr. C also did not want to do unless absolutely necessary. You really have to admire a surgeon who did not do the quick fix of surgery, but rather the best fix.

So there I was on 4 North desperate to do whatever to avoid exploratory surgery. I was surrounded by the most caring and encouraging staff of nurses, techs, and other employees all working with me to resolve my health issue without surgery. They were ALL great. But one person in particular was beyond great. She was my calm salvation. Her name is Delta, and she encompasses all that a nurse should be. She was caring, encouraging, pushy (Yep, patients need a pushy nurse too!) compassionate, honest, loving, and treated me with so much dignity. Anything bowel-related is humiliating at times. Delta also recognized my emotional state during these 12 long days and took measures to heal me emotionally as best she could. I will forever think of her when I hear the word Spa. Ask her about Spa Day at Flowers Hospital!

I was so down and depressed at times. I watched patients come and go. I felt like the old, unwanted dog at the shelter that was never going to leave. Delta would remind me that forward steps, although tiny at times, were still going forward. No request I had of her went unfulfilled, and no question I asked, not answered. Being talked to and listened to is also a big part of a patient’s recovery! But perhaps the biggest part of hospital care is the patient knowing the what, when, and how of their care plan. She explained everything that was happening, the good, the bad, and the NG tube. I never felt in the dark. Did I like it all? Oh no! But I understood it all. I could continue on and on and on about Delta. But honestly, I am not sure that you will ever truly understand the extreme level of care Delta gave me because it can only be measured by my heart.

Please express my forever gratitude to all of the wonderful people of 4 North, but most especially to Delta. Tell her that on those days when she is down and out and discouraged at work (which is normal and certainly ok!) to remember how she saved the old woman. And that old woman will forever sing her praises and lift her up in prayer!