Demi Bowers
May 2023
3 West
Mayo Clinic Arizona
United States




Demi made me feel like myself again.
I am 19 years old and, after finding out that I was in heart failure due to a genetic mutation, I ended up needing a heart transplant as soon as possible. After my surgery, I was placed in the CVPCU. It was strange as I felt different and not completely myself, struggling to accept this new course of life and all of the changes that would come with it. And then we met Demi. She was the most kind, funny, cheerful individual and cheered me up the entire three days she was my nurse! After being in the hospital for so long and feeling strange with this new organ, Demi suggested that we could have patio privileges and go for a walk outside. I was already excited at the aspect of feeling the sun on my face again after so long but when she mentioned we could get Starbucks on the way, I was ecstatic. I finally felt like myself again, going to get coffee with a friend, breathing in the fresh air, and finally feeling the sun warm on my face again. None of that would have been possible without Demi. I also learned that she, too, was a diabetic! This made me even more connected to her throughout our time together. She always made sure to check in on me and make me feel like we were a team -- not just nurse/patient. I will forever be grateful for her and the other nurses on that floor, but Demi made me feel like myself again, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Every time I visit the hospital or unfortunately end up in the hospital, I always ask if Demi is there and if she can stop by. She means so much to me and my family and always cares so deeply for us.