Denise Weibel
August 2022
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Los Angeles
United States




She not only helped me mentally and emotionally, but she was there for my baby when he came back from the OP room.
She has been there for us since day one. From him being very sick and her being by his bedside making sure he is fine and comfortable to creating notes for the other nurses stating what he likes and doesn’t like. The day the doctors told me R would be getting a Track and a G-tube, I was scared. I jokingly asked Denise if she could work that day knowing it was not her working day. The big day came and to my surprise, she was there! She was there for me as support since his dad had to work up north. She not only helped me mentally and emotionally, but she was there for him when he came back from the OP room. That night she didn’t leave until he was all settled in, and everything was good to go. She talked to the night nurse and between both, they had him comfortable. I have seen how my baby responds to hearing Denise’s voice; I could see he really likes her. She demonstrates extreme professionalism. She is an Extraordinary Nurse and her performance is consistent, she is team-oriented, and dependable. Children’s Hospital is very lucky to have an Extraordinary Nurse.