Denise Wheelock
April 2019
Oncology Care Unit
Aspirus Wausau Hospital
United States




I have to start off by apologizing for my lateness in writing this letter. When I got home from the hospital my goal was to make sure to send out letters expressing my appreciation for the excellent care I received at Aspirus of Wausau. Well this being my 1st experience in experiencing cancer treatment I found myself feeling constantly tired and a total lack of motivation to do anything other than sleep and rest, SO to say the least no letters of appreciation came forth. So as of tomorrow I will have been home a month and just completed my 6th chemo treatment. Yes, I still have my hair, I have lost around 30 pounds (just need to lose another 70 to really make me happy) and I feel like I am getting better! I realize I have a long ways to go and I have to be prepared for frustrations and possible setbacks but my mental outlook is good and I'm looking forward to a "full" recovery and I will be back to work, fishing, and hunting by fall this year!
So now you know how I am doing I just want to take a moment to try and name off all the great people who cared for me and try and express how much I appreciated them. Hopefully, I will remember everybody, BUT remember it was you folks who were drugging me and taking my blood at all hours of the day and night!
Marty RN, I think you were one of the very first people I got to meet upon my arrival at Aspirus. Marty, you did a great job on making me feel safe and that you were going to help me get through this "episode of life". Having you there was like having a big brother watching over me, thank you! Denise RN, all I can say is that you're certainly a role model for nursing. In today's world, so many people take jobs because of pay and benefits, YOU DID NOT! The level of care (or maybe we should say your level of caring) says more about you than anything I can say. Thank you. Amy RN, all I want to say to you is read the letter above and imagine your name having all those comments and expressions of appreciation and gratitude aimed at you. The best thing I remember was the time you took to make sure I was always as comfortable as possible. You also took time to just talk to me and get my mind off my cancer. Just saying "Thank You" never seems like it is enough but I hope you know it comes from my heart.