Denise White
May 2021
Atrium Health Union
Atrium Health Union
United States




Denise has many responsibilities, but she is still a nurse who cares for her patients and her work family. Without Denise's awareness and recognition, the outcome for this teammate may have been different.
One morning Denise recognized a co-worker was off her game and not as talkative as normal. After talking to this co-worker, Denise felt that the teammate could be suffering from a medical emergency and encouraged the teammate to come to the ED to be evaluated. The teammate was hesitant and not forthcoming. Denise was emphatic that the teammate either sign in to the ED or call her husband. Once the teammate contacted her husband, it was decided that she would be seen in the ED. Denise helped assist the teammate to the ED for evaluation. After evaluation, it was found that the teammate was suffering from a medical emergency that had the potential to be life-altering.

Denise wears many hats within our organization. She supports her staff and teammates. She is quick to recognize, encourage and compliment. Denise will always ask if she can do anything when she is rounding in the department. I just feel that Denise deserves an accolade for all she does. Denise has many responsibilities, but she is still a nurse who cares for her patients and her work family. Without Denise's awareness and recognition, the outcome for this teammate may have been different. Thank you, Denise, for all you do for not only our organization but for all your teammates!