Desiree Jensen
March 2024
Primary Children's Hospital- Intermountain Health
Salt Lake City
United States




She is present with patients and families and truly hears their needs and concerns. She pours her heart into the work that she does. She listens and works to resolve any concerns. She is not afraid to “go to bat” for the families and contact providers to help families get answers. She will not rest until her patients and families receive what they need.
Desiree’ is the best example of giving exemplary care. She is a compassionate and kind coworker and leader. Desiree has been and continues to be a top-tier nurse. When she is on patient care, she is thorough and digs deep to make sure that patients are getting the best care. You know that protocol is being followed when Des is assigned to patients. Des is great at seeking out best practices and following them to a T. She is brilliant and knows her stuff. She also knows how to use her resources, such as Lippincott. She is present with patients and families and truly hears their needs and concerns. She pours her heart into the work that she does. She listens and works to resolve any concerns. She is not afraid to “go to bat” for the families and contact providers to help families get answers. She will not rest until her patients and families receive what they need. She explains what she is doing and allows them time to ask questions. 

Desiree is an incredible clinical coach. She treats new nurses with respect and kindness while also guiding and directing. I have watched her take the time to teach new nurses and really make sure they understand why we do things. Desiree also has a way of making new hires feel welcome and like part of the unit. I remember my first time attending a unit get-together outside of work. I was new and wasn’t sure I would know very many people there. As soon as I showed up, she came over and said hello. She introduced me to some coworkers I hadn’t met yet and eased my nerves without even knowing she had done so. Desiree is not only a great clinical nurse, but also an amazing coworker and leader on our unit. Desiree is amazing and definitely deserves this award. I love working with her and enjoy getting to know her more as I spend time with her. 

I know that as a charge nurse making assignments, that I can assign Desiree as the nurse for families that need some extra compassion, kindness, and care. She's empathetic, genuine, and so caring and I know that our patients and families feel that from her. She's invested in their care and making sure that they have everything available to them for optimal healing and comfort and goes the extra mile to make sure they get it. Des is great at making sure families’ voices are heard and will advocate for them as if they were her own family. 

Families love it when Des is their nurse. She communicates everything she is doing and the plan for the night. She lets them know that she cares about them as a person and will go above and beyond to fulfill any requests or answer questions. Des is a huge advocate for safety and will escalate concerns immediately while letting patients and families know that they are the focus of her attention. Families have acknowledged Des for being “the most thorough and the kindest nurse.” I’ve seen families light up when Des is back as their nurse because of the care she provides the patient. Especially when they’ve had a difficult day or a concern that we are monitoring, they know that Des will keep them safe. Des is committed to providing the best care and will not leave her shift until she is convinced that she has. 

She cares deeply about staff engagement on the unit. She encourages staff to share their feedback through the surveys they are sent. She makes it so fun on our unit at survey time that staff are buzzing about it. She knows our staff is quite competitive, so she often encourages contests among the charge nurse advisor groups to complete their surveys the quickest. We have had advisor groups in the past where every staff member has completed the survey in less than 10 minutes! Sometimes we complete for prizes or a unit reward if we have a certain percentage of staff complete the quarterly survey. Des does a great job of inviting feedback and letting staff know when it is survey time again. 

Des also leads the DAISY Program at our hospital and does it beautifully. She ensures every nurse who is nominated for or receives the award is recognized and feels like what they are doing matters. She is the best example of the type of nurse this award stands for and is meant to honor. Des helps facilitate giving this DAISY Award to so many others. It’s her turn now! 

Des really is a light on our unit. I am pretty sure she spreads love and sunshine wherever she goes. She cares deeply about her patients and everyone around her. She wants her coworkers to be happy, and this is shown by her countless efforts in her role as the Engagement Shared Leader on our unit and in her leadership in engagement at the hospital level. Des is an excellent listening ear for patients, families, and for her peers. She is compassionate and caring and always wants to make sure every voice is really heard. Desiree makes everything better and brighter on our unit and I truly don’t know what we would do without her! She absolutely deserves the DAISY Nurse Leader Award!