Devan Patrick
November 2017
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Univerisity of South Alabama Children's & Women's Hospital
United States




Devan did a fantastic job while taking care of our child in the NICU. Devan went above and beyond my expectations. Devan would break things down so that my husband and I would understand. If I could request a nurse for a child it would be Devan. She made sure our little baby was well taken care of. Devan taught us how to bathe, swaddle, clothe, and change our daughter's diaper. If anyone deserves this award it should be Devan. She works hard to do her best.
Devan did an excellent job caring for both babies who she had to attend to. Devan donated clothes and quilts for them. Devan made sure my wife was able to bathe, change a diaper, feed etc. when we would come to visit our daughter. Devan was very nice and understanding. I never had to wonder where my daughter's nurse was because Devan would always be in our eyesight. Devan made my wife and I feel comfortable by getting us chairs, always greeting us and talking to us by breaking down medical terms for us so we knew exactly what Devan was talking about. Devan always takes time to explain. She has excelled at her job.