Devin Welch
June 2019
Clinical Care Operations
Banner University Medical Center Phoenix Campus
United States




Devin was my grandma's nurse while she was in the neuro ICU being monitored for a brain bleed which led to a stroke.
During the night, I had a rough time with the nurse and so when Devin came in I was guns blazing. I told Devin that my grandma meant everything to me and I wanted X, Y, and Z to occur. No sooner did Devin leave the room then come back and start right in on giving my grandma a bed bath, getting her up in a chair, coffee, and therapists. It was as though Devin was more than a nurse, she was an advocate. She too wanted to see my grandma get better.
Devin called in doctors for clarification then listened intently to all they had to say. After they left, she would explain things in-depth and help answer my grandma's questions. She bonded with my grandma almost immediately. As more of our family visited, she bonded with them also. She was patient, thorough, and funny!
Later in the day, my grandma seized out of nowhere then stopped breathing and required CPR. At that moment Devin, in super nurse fashion, did chest compressions and saved my grandma's life. Shortly after reviving my grandma, Devin came to where our family was waiting to update us and although my grandma was in grave condition, Devin snuck us in to see her. She understood how important family is and she nurtured not only her patient but our large family as well. The following day before her shift even started Devin came to my grandma's room to check in on her.
Devin is a brilliant nurse. She knows the importance of getting to know the patient beyond just doing what a doctor orders or what a machine says. She knows what the gift of time and caring and humor can do to heal the sick or hurting. She thinks fast and executes as necessary. I would give anything if words could even come close to describing what she has done for our family. They don't, but they are all I've got. Devin is a hero. She is a patient's dream. You are lucky to have her.