Devon Wheeley
September 2023
St. Bernards Medical Center
United States




I am so grateful for the grace and patience shown by her.
“I am a travel nurse at St Bernard's and was unsure how to assist in performing a closed reduction on a patient's ankle. Devon was a triage nurse and was not responsible for managing patients in the rooms. We had a tough time getting all our equipment to register the specific patient metrics for sedation. She spent a good chunk of time helping look for working equipment and cables and ensuring the pre-procedural charting was correct. By the time we had everything ready, all the MDs who were to assist were tied up with other patients, and we had to hold off on the procedure. I was approached right at shift change, 2 minutes before my relief arrived, to begin the procedure. The on-coming RN was not confident with managing the procedure alone either. Devon stayed over an hour past shift change in the room with us, helping with charting, meds, and ensuring we were comfortable with the process, and ensuring the safety of the patient. She was sweet and kind and never made it feel like an inconvenience. The kicker for this whole situation is that it was her first day back from maternity leave. It was her first time leaving her newborn all day, and I can only imagine she was anxious to return to that little baby. I am so grateful for the grace and patience shown by her.”