Diana Wirth
November 2015
Banner Thunderbird Medical Center
United States




Diana Wirth took care of a male patient whose prognosis was grim. While his wife was visiting one morning, she suffered a fall fracturing parts of her face. The wife also required hospitalization but wanted to be at her husband's bedside. The wife stated, "He does not have much time; I do not want to be far away from him."

The patient's wife was admitted to another floor in the hospital, and would visit her husband when the nursing personnel and time allowed since she needed to be monitored by nurses at all times while off the unit. One evening, the wife was unable to be brought to her husband's unit. Diana was compelled by the love story that the patient's wife had shared with her and decided to pack up her patient and transport him under her supervision to the wife on the other floor.

Diana spent a significant amount of time on the other unit with the patient, allowing the wife and husband to spend time together. Diana placed both beds next to each other. The patient's wife reached over to hold her husband of 65 years' hand. For the first time, the patient was able to move his hand and squeezed it. That moment was a proof of love breaking all barriers and diagnosis. The next day the patient passed away. Diana gave the patient and the wife their last opportunity to share their love and their commitment to each other and the wife was eternally grateful.