Diane Salisbury
September 2022
Outpatient Pulmonary and Critical Care
St. Peter's Health Partners Medical Associates
United States




I can say any patient she comes in contact with she has their best interest in mind at all times.
Diane is our lead RN in the Troy Pulmonary and Critical Care Services outpatient office. Diane has been a part of our practice for over six years now and I can speak on behalf of our providers, APPs, and her fellow colleagues that she is not only a vital part of our day-to-day operations but she is extraordinary as a human. She is a mother of many at home, just completed her Bachelors in Nursing while juggling all at-home/work responsibilities and every single day and gives 100 percent to our patients. Her clinical assessment skills have helped over the years in many situations for our patient population and we all rely on her tremendously to prevail in any situation. Diane speaks with patients sometimes at length to help calm them in difficult situations. She's helped many with prescription assistance when our patients are not financially suited to pay for their medications and I can say any patient she comes in contact with she has their best interest in mind at all times. Personally, I would like to recognize her work ethic and the strength, grace, and kindness she presents to all she comes in contact with. There are days in my position as a practice manager when she can even recognize items and bring them to my attention with a resolution at hand. It is very rare to come by colleagues like Diane. Our practice, patients, and I will be forever grateful for Diane.