May 2011
University of Minnesota School of Nursing
United States




It is my pleasure and honor to nominate Dr. Diane Treat-Jacobson for the DAISY Foundation Exceptional Mentorship Award. Diane and I first met at a Nursing PhD recruiting event in the fall of 2008. Since our first chance meeting, Diane has served as my mentor, both formally and informally. Prior to tny acceptance into the Nursing PhD program, Diane met with me after hours in her office to accon1modate n1y work schedule and assisted me in preparing my PhD application. Naturally, after my acceptance into the progratn, Diane was designated my advisor, but she has been so much more. Merriam-Webster defines a mentor as a teacher or coacha trusted counselor or guide. In her role as my advisor, Diane has guided n1e in selecting the appropriate coursework and has ensured that I master the content in the PhD curriculum. As a mentor, Diane has provided me with a research assistant position on her RO1 study, Exercise Training to Reduce Claudication (EXERT). As some of you may already know, throughout my journey as a PhD student, Diane has playeq a vital role in my personal and professional development. Diane has introduced me to key members in the discipline of vascular medicine and nursing. She has provided me with shadowing opportunities, invited me to attend weekly vascular conferences with top professionals in vascular medicine, and allowed me to the opportunity to participate and learn about every aspect of her current vascular research study. The experiences Diane has provided have proven invaluable in my growth as a student at the doctoral level. In addition to sharing her own body of knowledge and research, Diane has assisted me in establishing my own research career. This summer, Diane played an integral role in the submission and subsequent successful funding of a pre-doctoral training grant (F31) sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. This award will allow me to focus my efforts on conducting a rigorous and impactful dissertation, with Diane serving as my sponsor to provide guidance throughout this exciting journey. Furthermore, obtaining this funding is a fundamental first step for me to establish a productive and successful long-term career as a nurse researcher. I would also like to point out that Diane is not a helicopter mentor. She provides me with a great deal of freedom, yet at the san1e time is able to sense when I need her guidance. This is a rare, but crucial characteristic of an exceptionaltnentor. Diane celebrates my successes and supports me in times of frustration and despair. I cannot thank Diane enough for the support and encouragement she has provided me throughout my time as a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota. It has been a privilege to know Diane and I truly do not know where I would be today if not for our chance meeting that early fall night in 2008. Dr. Diane Treat-Jacobson has my full confidence and endorsement for the DAISY Foundation Exceptional Mentorship Award. Thank you in advance for your consideration.