Dina Brown, BSN, RN, CBC
December 2021
Labor & Delivery
Pennsylvania Hospital
United States




As tears poured down my cheeks my nurse Dina walks in takes my hands and holds them tight and calmly talks me through my options.
To have been advised to come into the hospital before my induction date due to decreased fetal movement and to end up being admitted unexpectedly were the scariest moments of my life. This was my first viable pregnancy so the whole 9 months was nerve-wracking for me let alone actually having to give birth with such little faith due to my previous unsuccessful pregnancy. It was not until I had to decide on my plan for pain after I was started on Pitocin that a special nurse instilled hope in me. To say I was nervous about receiving an epidural is an understatement. I was TERRIFIED. Though I trusted every professional on the amazing Penn team my mind was set on this fear. At first, I thought I was willing to endure the pain of worsening contractions until I no longer had the energy to get myself out of the bed to pee when I finally hit the call bell. As tears poured down my cheeks my nurse Dina walks in takes my hands and holds them tight and calmly talks me through my options. I will never forget that moment. She called the doctor in for a cervical exam to help me make a decision on pain management. I agreed to have that epidural and everything after was a blur because I was finally able to get some sleep and was free from pain. Dina had to take her break after and so I was not able to see her again to thank her. She might never know how big of an impact she made in my life. 

Thank you for your compassion and empathy, Dina! God knew I needed a hand to hold and you came at the perfect moment.