Dione Saaverdra
May 2021
7 Ardmore E.
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist
Winston Salem
United States




Her daily warm smile, her gentleness, her patience, her time to explain things and to just be ultra nice were so amazing.
First, allow me to say that this DAISY Award is Awesome. If Dione has not received it by now, then it's time. I wish everyone would share the great experiences along with the bad ones if deemed while in the hospital. My mother was on their floor. Dione and a few others were absolute angels. Dione's passion to provide wonderful nursing care and true kindness were more than I have ever experienced or seen in my 59 years. My mom is 79, and her stay there was extremely rough, putting it lightly. If not for Dione's exemplary efforts and her desire to go beyond her normal nursing duties, I would have probably brought my mom home regardless. Her daily warm smile, her gentleness, her patience, her time to explain things and to just be ultra nice were so amazing. Her overall attitude and willingness to make that patient comfortable and at ease was just amazing. She talked to mom, made her laugh, and engaged while performing her job, and she enjoyed it. I just wish everyone on that floor could express half of what she does on a daily basis; that would be a God send! Some were very cold and curt to even us, and some on night shift, oh my, super sad! Others were somewhat cold, non-friendly, very robotic, rough, and just doing a job. Sad, I did bring it to the Nurse Manager on that floor. It's bad enough to be in the hospital, old or young, but this lady hit a home run. My mom couldn't wait for her to return the next day. She treated my mom as if it was her mother. She definitely brought us peace of mind when we were there. For Dione to be a nurse there, she is a rare gem; not saying there are not others, but for those that are there just to be in a position and a paycheck, well, it's sad. Kindness and a simple smile or good morning go a long way. Dione took charge in many ways that I know others would not have done. I can't say enough about her. If anyone should get this award, with all my mom went through, it should be Dione. I told her Nurse Manager how great she was and gave him advice to talk with his staff about not only doing their job but enjoying and embracing the passion they have and how it affects the patient. This person does just that; it's her passion. My brother and I thank Dione for all she did for my mom while there. Dione is a true asset to Baptist.