Don Taylor
February 2021
Emergency Department
Smyth County Community Hospital




He shows compassion to everyone he meets and often has patients asking for him by name. Don is popular among our patients because he is skilled in his craft as an emergency nurse, and our patients know he will take great care of them.
Don Taylor is one of the finest people I have ever met. He is an Extraordinary Nurse, and his dedication to caring for others is inspiring. Don has worked at Smyth County Community Hospital for almost 28 years, and he has touched many lives in that time. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of recognition for their hard work than Don.
Knowing that Don works at SCCH ED brings me comfort. I know that if something were to happen to a family member while he is on shift, that they will be well taken care of. He shows compassion to everyone he meets and often has patients asking for him by name. Don is popular among our patients because he is skilled in his craft as an emergency nurse, and our patients know he will take great care of them. He is often asked to go to other departments within the hospital to assist with care, as he is one of the most skilled in the building at obtaining an IV. Don continues to grow and learn, not becoming idle and reliant on his experience.
Don is currently a shift leader in the Emergency Department and truly leads by example. He has also stepped up multiple times during his time and been the interim manager of the department. He is always there to help out his fellow team members when they need it and does his best to make sure the shift runs smoothly. He completes the schedule for the department and does everything he can to make sure that each person gets the time off they've asked for. He will often come in and work himself if he cannot find anyone to cover, so that team members can enjoy their much-needed time off. He is the definition of a team player, and I do not know of anyone that does not love working with Don. He is an asset to the Emergency Department.
Going above and beyond for patients and coworkers is something Don does every day without hesitation. He works hard and does all that he can to make sure our patients are taken care of. Not only does Don work to take care of our patients at SCCH ED, but he touches many before they ever make it to the ED while working with EMS. Don is also an EMT and spends his "spare" time continuing to care for the people in our community. He is dedicated to making a difference, and he does it quietly, without seeking recognition.
Don is kind to everyone he meets. He makes sure to not only comfort the patient but also their family. He provides a sense of comfort to all. With his spectacular attention to detail, he celebrates his coworkers with comments and gifts specific to them and is incredibly thoughtful. He makes everyone feel appreciated and respected. He communicates with patients and family so well, that he can diffuse most situations, even when the circumstances are tough. He speaks to everyone with kindness and compassion. There have been too many situations to count that he has improved with his genuine way of speaking.
When I think of people in my career who have made a major impact on me, I count Don among them. He has guided me with patience and kindness. I admire the dedication he has to serve others, and I hope that I can achieve half the reputation Don has during his time at Smyth County Community Hospital. He lives to help others and does it with a smile. He is more than deserving of this recognition.