Donna Riner-Eads
February 2021
LewisGale Hospital - Pulaski




Donna put aside biological family to care for her work family and the patients that were in need of being cared for.
Recently, there was a critical need for staffing in the ICU. All sources had been exhausted by house supervisors when Donna was contacted to see if she would be willing to come in and cover the shift. Donna advised that she had plans to have her Thanksgiving with her parents that day. Donna's parents are older and she is their only child. Her plans were to make homemade lasagna for her mother and a full dinner for her father. However, Donna being the amazing nurse and compassionate person she is, was also aware of the hardships that had been bestowed on the ICU with her co-workers infected with COVID and the ICU director having her own family emergency with her father. Donna knew that her unit and her patients needed her. She agreed to come in and cover the shift. This prevented a patient from being transferred to another facility and allowed care for the patients that were in the ICU to continue. Donna was also able to be "the expert" for the novice nurse that was filling in on the ICU that day.
This sacrifice is the true meaning of committed to caring like family. Donna put aside biological family to care for her work family and the patients that were in need of being cared for. She is a wonderful example and mentor for other employees to look up to. She is the true example of what the nursing field is about.