Donna Watson
December 2021
Ascension Providence
United States




Please know it is a compliment when I say how grateful I was to have you, an ‘Iron Nurse’, caring for M and me that morning.
Donna, I only knew you for a few hours early in the morning, but I will always remember the care you provided for my husband, M. When I taught Advanced Med Surg Nursing in an ICU in Ohio, we called nurses like you “Iron Nurses”. They were the ones who taught the residents and the new nurses how to care for critically ill individuals. They had seen it all, understood the pathophysiology, saw subtle changes, and headed off disaster before it happened. You could literally trust them with your loved one’s life. They also understood the families and their needs and were able to meet them as well as the patients'. In short, they were strong and capable and also compassionate and understanding.

Please know it is a compliment when I say how grateful I was to have you, an ‘Iron Nurse’, caring for M and me that morning. I went home that night to rest at the request of the physicians and nursing staff as I had been up for 48 hours prior to M's admission - taking care of him. I got the call around 2 am that his condition had changed. When I came in and saw my husband, whom you and the team had taken care of, he looked more at peace than he had in six months. Every question I grilled you about you answered beautifully. You made him as comfortable as possible as he passed away. Thank you for everything you did for us both.